Category: Entertainment

Heads-up folks the Leonid’s are here, don’t know where to look? View  sky-map here

Video below has some historical background on the Leonids:

Even more here and Happy watching!

This must be the same Ad firm T. Boone Pickins uses.

Two advertising geniuses come to help the Chevron executives plot to trick you into thinking they are going green when they are doing the exact opposite. 

Vodpod videos no longer available.


For more information please go to

A FREE showing of the Sundance Award Winning Documentary film Gasland co-hosted by Clean Water for NC and the Granville Non-Violent Action Team (GNAT). The showing will include a brief discussion of how hydraulic fracturing for natural gas from deep deposits could effect your region of North Carolina and what action we can take to help prevent impacts to groundwater, quality of life and landscapes!

Bring a friend—it’s free and light refreshments will be available. Donations to help cover the cost of future showings and action are welcome, but not required. See you there!

For further information on the scheduled showings, please call Clean Water for NC (919) 401-9600 or GNAT (919) 575-5198.

HBO  aired “Gasland” in June, they have a very comprehensive slideshow from the documentary you can check it out here.

Not That Kind ~ Anastacia

Paula Cole’s “Me”, Is she a Virgo?

Seal – Newborn Friend (Video)

Source:  Indiana University Media Relations

Every three years, the same phase of the moon happens on about the same date of each month. The annual Perseid meteor shower of August last happened in a moonless sky in 2007, so this year if the sky is clear when the Perseids peak before dawn on Aug. 12 and 13, there will be an unhindered display of silent fireworks.

This shower is one of the most popular every year because it happens on warm summer nights, when gazing at the starry sky is always enjoyable. There may be as many as 100 bright meteors per hour, some with smoke trails that last several seconds after the meteor has vanished.

The Perseids will be visible for most of August, though there will be fewer meteors to see the farther from the peak date you watch. If the peak on Aug. 12-13 is hidden by clouds, try looking for meteors again as soon as the night sky is clear.

To minimize the effect of local light pollution, which can obscure as many as half of the meteors, try to avoid artificial lights. Face east if you have a clear view in that direction, and look about half-way up the sky from the horizon. You won’t need binoculars or a telescope — the meteors move much too fast for that. The chances of seeing a fireball will be greatest near dawn, when Earth will be moving head-on into the meteor stream.

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Rep. Bob Etheridge (D-N.C.) appeared unreceptive to the question of an anonymous reporter this weekend, when he grabbed the self-identified “student” after he asked the congressman if he “fully supported the Obama agenda.”

In the video, the North Carolina lawmaker is seen approaching the camera, while the reporter asks, “Hi, Congressman. How are you? Do you fully support the Obama agenda?”

Etheridge appears visibly irritated and immediately asks, “who are you?” before knocking the interviewer’s camera to the ground.

I have one word for Bob……Rehab.

More here at the Huffington Post.