Updated (022208)

Rumors have been flying since the Sunshine Project had to suspend it’s operation, but it’s very elementary “My Dear Watson”. Funding is the reason plain and simple.

Given the fact Texas A&M just got slapped with a 1 Million dollar fine (see previous post) due to the Ed Hammond’s persistent research it is fair to say we cannot allow this group to fold because they are cash strapped, so let’s help them. Go here and donate to show your support.

” Word of problems at A and M spread early last year when an Austin-based bioweapon watchdog group called The Sunshine Project was researching universities seeking the new National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility. Texas A and M was among the applicants for the homeland security project but has been eliminated from contention.”

For more information Medlar Comfits has a great post “The Sunshine Project – not RIP, but mayday” outlining the details.

Let’s do this thing!!!

Update (022208) A Big Thanks to the New Scientist for a great post outlining the importance of Ed Hammond and the Sunshine Project.

 Hammond’s combative style had alienated some researchers and biosecurity specialists. But his dogged pursuit of public records had also won respect. Who is going to hold the multi-billion dollar US biodefence juggernaut to account now? Perhaps it’s time for New Scientist to start looking once again at exactly what is going on in those labs.

Read the entire article here.